* Stab: The act of taking one arm, bent about 90 degrees at the elbow, and placing the elbow against your abdomen. Stabs are required for most ground freezes. (Hong10 created hid own freeze called Hong10 Freeze: Hong10 Freezes are done by the bboy/bgirl performing a backwards headstand withlegs infront of head and hands behind head) San Diego B-Boys, one perfoming an airchair(left) and one performing a pike(right) San Diego B-Boys, one perfoming an airchair(left) and one performing a pike(right)
* Airbaby(Underground): A type of freeze with one knee resting on the corresponding elbow and both legs in the air. Note: the knee that your elbow is resting on should /will be bent. *1-handed Airbaby: An airbaby with only the hand of the arm supporting the knee on the ground.
* Airchair: A type of freeze in which the breaker stabs their elbow into their side and balances on it while keeping their legs in the air.
* Side Chair: A freezes in which the breaker stabs one elbow into their side and brings their legs to their other arm.
* Chair Freeze: A type of freeze where the breaker balances with their elbow stabbed into their side and their head on the ground. They will then place one leg on the ground and cross the other leg over it.
* Handglide Freeze: A type of freeze where the breaker balances on their stabbed arm and uses their free arm for support.
* Planche: A position from gymnastics which involves both hands being on the ground, straight arms, and the rest of your body is held off the ground completely horizontaly.
* Elbow Freeze* Breaker using one of his or her arm and elbow support the position.
* G-Kick: A kick with the legs and arm forming a G shape.* Headstand: A freeze while standing on the head, with or without hands on the floor for support.
* Hollowback: A freeze that involves arching the back in a handstand position. o Invert: A variant of the hollowback that involves bending the legs forward instead of backwards. An inverted hollowback.
* K-Kick: A kick with the legs and arm in a K shape.
* L-Kick: A kick with the legs in an L shape.
* Nike: A kick that resembles the Nike sign.
* Pike: A kick with both legs in the air and the free hand holding on to the feet.
* V-Kick/Applejack: A kick with the legs in a V shape. Squat on both legs, then fall backward onto your hands while at the same time kicking one leg into the air, as high as possible. Then you get back up onto both legs, and repeat. "K-snap: First you make a really high jump then in the air put your body like your flying then tuck your feet to your chest then realease your arms and legs so they are flat and you should land on a leap frog stance and get back up with a flip. note* you can sopport your fall with a trampoline first.
B-Boy B-Girl Hip Hop